Life Sciences Quiz
How many life sciences companies are in North Carolina?
North Carolina is home to 810 life sciences companies, plus 2,500 companies that support or are related to life sciences, according to the North Carolina Biotechnology Center.
The average salary for a life sciences job in North Carolina is:
The average salary for a life sciences job in North Carolina is $112,000, nearly twice the pay earned by other private-sector workers statewide, according to the North Carolina Biotechnology Center.
True or false: Life sciences jobs in North Carolina are growing at a faster rate than private sector jobs overall.
True. Since 2018, life sciences employment in the state grew by 13%, compared to just 3% in the overall private sector, according to the 2022 TEConomy Report.
Where does North Carolina’s Research Triangle Park rank nationally in life sciences activity?
Research Triangle Park is No. 4 in life sciences activity, behind hubs in Boston, San Francisco and San Diego, according to Fierce Biotech’s rankings.
Which master’s degree program in NC State’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) has a 93% job placement rate three months after graduation?
The Master of Microbial Biotechnology program has a 93% placement rate three months after graduation. Within six months after graduation, MMB alumni salaries average over $91,000. The MMB program offers both scientific and business coursework, as well as an optional MMB/MBA degree through a partnership with NC State’s Poole College of Management.
Alumna Shelly Hunt, now an agricultural analyst, was one of the first to complete a new certificate program from NC State's College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Which one did she choose?
Agriculture Data Science (graduate certificate). CALS offers all four of these certificate programs, but Shelly says, "Data science is the future of agriculture."