N.C. PSI’s Time Capsule Opening to Coincide with UN’s 2050 Food Security Goals
The NC State University Plant Sciences Building’s dedication, ribbon cutting and tour on April 12 was an event of historic proportions. It was the official day that the full breadth of resources and technologies became available to N.C. PSI’s highly talented scientists, partners and stakeholders.
But there was another event taking place that day in the building, one that would make history again nearly 30 years later.
N.C. PSI leaders, scientists, donors and other distinguished guests gathered around to help fill a special time capsule with a wide array of images, documents and mementos. All of these tangible historic items had personal connections to N.C. PSI’s new headquarters, its donors and the initiative.
“We see this as our benchmark, through which we can compare our own contributions to this ambitious goal.”
Agriculture leaders penned letters to future researchers and students outlining their commitment to advance our agricultural industry and drastically increase agricultural output by 2050 through N.C. PSI’s team based science, despite the strong headwinds of climate change, dwindling farmlands and other major hindrances to progress.
The capsule was also filled with sensors, plant science themed 3D-printed displays and other technologies driving the science and innovation behind N.C. PSI’s success.
Finally, the capsule was filled with meaningful gifts and mementos from N.C. PSI and CALS related to agriculture and the defining events of the times. A framed image of the building was signed and placed in the capsule by event attendees. Face masks, representing the pandemic, which altered life and dominated headlines from 2020 through 2022, were also included.
The capsule’s location will be marked with a plaque near the building’s entrance next to the main elevators, and is scheduled to be opened on Tuesday, April 12, 2050.
“We chose to reopen the time capsule in 2050, when the United Nations estimates that the world’s farmers must produce nearly double its food production to feed a projected 9.8 billion people,” said Adrian Percy, N.C. PSI’s Executive Director. “We see this as our benchmark, through which we can compare our own contributions to this ambitious goal.”
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